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Reviews for Sorrow's Fall

Sorrow's Fall (Bringer of Sorrow)” by Davonne Burns

Davonne weaves a sci-fi adventure that will touch you deeply. All writers have strengths and Davonne’s is the simply the way she imparts emotions to the reader, She understands the masterful art of getting into her characters heads and assisting the reader feel a connection with them. She gives nothing away, as she effortless leads us through the plot. Presenting endless twists and turns I did not foresee.

I was swept away on the author’s imagination to a distant land, were our nightmares reside. A cruel cold place, were a child called Sorrow is bred as a weapon and used and abused, to fulfill the power hungry dreams of his tormentors. Sorrow is hated by everyone and defiled at every turn, he has no one to turn to that he can trust or open up to.

He has a special power that seems to him, to be a curse. He fights to control and understand it while dealing with a daily onslaught of violence. He can feel the hate and disgust of those around him as he is bullied and beaten into submission. He is nothing more than a weapon, a killing machine.

When someone reaches out to Sorrow with kindness, he cannot allow himself to believe it. Could it be true, that someone wants to help him? His self-hatred is dark and deep and only a very special person, will be able to help him heal. It is too late for Sorrow or will he allow someone, to show him a better way to live his life? Can he learn to trust and control his powers and use them for the greater good or will the dark forces find him and destroy him and his protector?

-Athena Brady (

© 2012 by Davonne Burns

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